
  • basic building block to make distributed programming easier
  • make a remote call similar to a local call
  • e.g. server.add(3, 5), proxy.add(3, 5)
  • As a library
  • e.g. gRPC, go-rpc, json-rpc

Inside RPC

  • function register
  • protocol file -> compile -> source code -> put in your repo
  • marshalling (serialization) and unmarshalling
  • data structure <—> bytes
  • network connections
  • hard to deal (buffer, async calls, error codes)
  • (optional) read C10k problem

Challenge: failures

  • network delays, message reorder/loss
  • practice: set timeout (and retry) on clients

At least once

  • usually unsafe: trade, withdraw/deposit
  • safe for read-only requests
  • pro: simple implementation

At most once (and exactly once)

  • clients use a globally unique xid for each request
  • servers keep a buffer of previous results
  • keep a window of outstanding requests
  • force ordering
  • clients use sequentially increasing xid
  • servers block on “holes”
  • exactly once: write the buffer to durable storage and never delete