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CSE 416 Software Engineering (Spring 2022, Section 3)


  • (Jan 24, 2022) We are switching to Piazza for class notifications and discussions.

Course information

Introduces the basic concepts and modern tools and techniques of software engineering. Emphasizes the development of reliable and maintainable software via system requirements and specifications, software design methodologies including object-oriented design, implementation, integration, and testing; software project management; life-cycle documentation; software maintenance; and consideration of human factor issues.

This course focuses on finishing a project:

  • The topic of the project is given with some basic features required.
  • You can choose your toolchain, use the architecture you prefer, and add the features you desire.
  • You will work with a team of 3-5 students.


  • Participation - 25%
  • Mid-term exam - 25%
  • Final - 50%


  • CSE 316; and CSE major; and U4 standing.

Acedemic Integrity

You are welcome to use existing public libraries in your work. You may also look at code for public domain software such as Github. Consistent with the policies and normal academic practice, you are obligated to cite any source that gave you code or an idea. You may not claim others’ work as yours. Any violation will lead to an F in the grade, and be reported to the university.